Divisional Appointments 2021
The Worthy Knights appointed to or promoted in Divisional Conclave on 5th September 2020, as you will realise, have not had the pleasure  of being able to fulfil their duties as Acting Officers of the Division, particularly in escorting the Int-General on Team visits, due to the Suspension of the Order following the Covid 19 Pandemic.
The Rt. Ill. Intendant-General has therefore invited them all to continue in their roles until  the 3rd September 2022 which I’m pleased to say all but one Knight have accepted.  The one Knight who has not accepted is simply because he intends to spend much of his foreseeable  time out of the area and feels he cannot fulfil the duties of  his Office in the manner in which he would expect. The Intendant-General has accepted his wishes and offers his thanks for his service to the Order.
The Intendant-General, like us all, is keen to resume all Masonic activities as soon as possible and looks forward to seeing as many of you hopefully in the not too distant future.
Yours in Faith, Unity, Zeal
Ill. Kt. Neil Cooper, PG St. B.(L)